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Fundamentals of Drawing can enhance your 艺术istic potential

December 1, 2023

Take your 艺术istic talent to new levels with a four-session Fundamentals of Drawing Class this January!

Designed for beginner & intermediate level 艺术ists, this class will explore different techniques and methods of drawing. Students will learn to enhance their own 艺术work and improve their drawing in just a few hours.

So, ignite your imagination and let the Fundamentals of Drawing class be the catalyst for your 艺术istic journey. The class will meet Jan. 10, 12, 15 & 17 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m. in Bert Walker Hall, Room 209. 成本 is $35; open to community members ages 16 and up. Click here to register:  http://training.pxamerica.com/courses/the-fundamentals-of-drawing.
